Get to Know the Author - Rebecca Frederick Lambert

We are pleased to introduce our new HHP author! Rebecca Lambert and our team will be releasing her first book Bring Back Your Wow on September 9th. Before the release, we’d like to give you an opportunity to learn more about Rebecca. Below is a recent interview with her.

Blessings from the HHP team!

If you had 60 seconds to give an elevator speech about who you are and what’s important to you, what would you say?

“I’m what you call a third-culture kid; I grew up on the mission field. This means I belong everywhere and nowhere, and my perspective is usually different from everyone else’s in the room. That used to bring me pain, but now it drives much of what I do. I am wife to a US Marine, mom to two incredible boys, co-pastor to some of the kindest people on earth, a school principal to amazing staff and students, and a writer! No matter what I’m doing, my goal is to love people in a way that facilitates their growth toward fulfilling their purpose. That looks like speaking truth and love over and over again. Grace is something I love to give because it is something I am very familiar with receiving! I have had moments of great success in my life, and I’ve had moments of nearly giving up. Through it all, He has been faithful. What’s important to me? Loving God through a lifestyle of worship and loving those people He places in my life. I believe if you’re not learning, you’re dying. Growing people is my jam; I actually love the messy process!”

When you’re not at the daily grind, what kinds of things do you like to do?

“I love to sing, hike (when it isn’t 108 degrees), read, and travel. If I can do those things with my family, it’s perfect. I am a fanatic of Argentine soccer - that’s where I was born and spent my childhood - and I have to admit, I’m also a foodie.”

Top three favorite books?

“Woah. Is that question allowed?? Gosh, I think I’ll say:
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, John Mark Comer
Once Upon a Lifetime, Lolita Frederick Harris (yes, I get to be partial)
In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day, Mark Batterson”

When did you first come to know Jesus?

“I first officially declared Him as my Savior when I was nearly 5 years old. I believe I always knew He was right there with me, growing up surrounded by revival, but my declaration happened while we were on furlough and while I was in my Grandma Frederick’s Sunday school class. That’s very special to me … and there’s more to that story, but you can read that in one of my books. 😉”

Tell us about the church you co-pastor with your husband.

“The Refuge is so very special to me and Jesse. We knew as we began the work of planting it that we would be a place where people would find healing, rest, and new or renewed purpose. In fact, our vision is that we are a place to prepare for purpose, and God has really brought that to life. We focus on worship, discipleship, and service, and have been surrounded by beautiful, Spirit-led people from the onset. We have been humbled over and over again in the process and have always committed that this isn’t our church, it’s God’s church. In all honesty, we wouldn’t know what in the world we’re doing if it weren’t for the direct, clear guidance of the Holy Spirit. We prayed from the beginning that this would be a joy-filled process and that prayer has certainly been answered. Gratitude isn’t a big enough word for how we have felt in this church-planting journey.”

Have you always considered yourself a writer?

“I have always loved writing, whether in school or songwriting, and I have found deep fulfillment in journaling for about a decade now. However, it wasn’t until about a year ago that I knew I would pursue publishing my work.”

Tell us about your first book! Who or what inspired it?

“This first project is part one of a series, and it comes out of some meaningful years of journaling in my time with Jesus. It actually started as an act of discipline, where I felt led to share my daily devotionals on social media. I learned later that my posts had been a form of support and encouragement to a lot of people, and that blessed my heart so much. Sometimes we think our obedience is just that, but I dare say that most of the time, He uses our obedience to bless others. Some of those people are the reason I am taking this giant step of publishing. I know the Holy Spirit is telling me to release my voice in this season, and I’m excited to see how He uses it. At His Footstool is a series of devotional books with dot journaling. This first one is titled Bring Back Your Wow, and my prayer is that it will do just that for my readers.”

Who were some of your biggest supporters as you wrote this book?

“I have been encouraged by lots of friends and family - too many to mention. My husband and children are the ones who have willingly (and most directly) given time and support through the process. I also want to thank Terry Harris for believing in my writing, and Samantha Payne for helping me make it look good on paper.”

Tell us about the road to write this book. Any hills, valleys, out of the ordinary?

“I’m both excited and terrified to lay my heart out for people to read. I’m confident the Lord has anointed the words on the page, and I know without a shadow of a doubt that His Word does not return void. See? I’m safe because I write about His Word! Mark Batterson uses the phrase, ‘Long obedience in the same direction.’ That’s what I would use to describe this journey. It has already been life-giving, and I know it’s only the beginning. I have prayed for my readers, and I know that somewhere between my words on the page and their eyes, the Holy Spirit will speak whatever they need to hear. That’s pretty exciting, huh?!”

Who do you think this book is for?

“This book is for men and women, youth and adults who are looking to know their Creator better. It is for those who are in a slump in their relationship with Jesus, and for those who are ready to express themselves in a new way. It is for those needing encouragement, and for those ready to lead others.”

If you could give one word of encouragement to the readers of your book, what would you say?

“If your walk with the Lord isn’t bringing excitement to your life, there is work to be done, friend. His way is better! Following His will for your life is an everyday adventure. Jesus came that you and I could live life to the fullest; if you’re not there yet, I invite you to lean in! It’s time to walk into His throne room and sit at His feet with anticipation.”

Should readers expect more books in the future?

“Yes! At His Footstool is a series, but beyond that, my first read-only book is nearly done! I can’t wait to share more about that one with you, and God has already put several other projects on my heart. I’d love to have you follow me on social media so that you’ll know as new material is ready. We are loved by a Father who wants the best for us; isn’t that mind-blowing?? The Creator of the Universe actually knows you - well.  My prayer is that my writing will always be soaked in truth and love and that every person who holds a book will know who He is, and who they are because of Him.”